This is going to be my chess journal.
I am going to document blitz and rapid games mostly. I will be playing only 3 games a day.
I have won all 3. The FEN for the same are below.
FEN - 2r5/Q7/1kp2p2/1p4r1/8/1P1B3P/5PP1/R5K1 b - - 6 40
FEN - 4r3/ppp3p1/1b2p1k1/4P3/4n3/2PN2pK/PP4P1/5R2 w - - 2 33
FEN - r5k1/8/p2p3p/1pnNp1r1/2P1P3/3P1K2/P4P2/8 w - - 2 32
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